The deadline for the submission of Beneficial Ownership Registers with the Master of the High Court is 15 November 2024.

The deadline for the submission of Beneficial Ownership Registers with the Master of the High Court is 15 November 2024.
Do you know what your rights are when you receive faulty products? Do you know that you have a right to return damaged, defective and/or broken goods? Consumers have the right to return unsafe or defective goods and request a full refund for such defective, damaged or broken goods, provided this is done within a reasonable period.
In terms of section 82 of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No 130 of 1993) (COIDA), a registered employer shall furnish the commissioner with a Return of Earnings, no later than the 31st of March in each year. As per the Government Gazette No 50386, 27 March 2024, the deadline for submitting the Annual Return of Earnings for the 2023 assessment period is 30 June 2024.
Due to the amendment of The Financial Intelligence Centre Act, No. 38 of 2001, FHBC is an accountable institution and as such, FHBC is required to “FICA” its clients. We will be contacting all our clients to collect the necessary information and we do require your co-operation in this regard.
A Constitutional Court order made on 19 November 2020 declared section 1(xix)(v) of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) 130 of 1993 invalid, this order has been made immediate and retrospective to 27 April 1994. Thus, declaring that Domestic Workers are now entitled for compensation if they are injured or contract a disease while on duty.
FHBC bied bystand aan kliënte met die sertifisering van afskrifte, asook die afneem en bevestiging van beëdigde verklarings en is verplig om hierdie diens in ooreenstemming met statutêre vereistes te verrig.
The Trust Property Control Act was recently amended due to changes to FICA Legislation. The amended Act contains additional compliance requirements which affects the trustees of trusts, those involved in the creation of trusts, and those involved in the investment, safe keeping, control or administration of trust property.
The Financial Intelligence Centre Act, No. 38 of 2001 (the Act or FICA) was amended at the end of 2022 to provide for various changes to the structure of South Africa’s anti-money laundering and combating of terrorism financing legislation. Schedule 1 to FICA was amended and now includes a long list of new accountable institutions.
Are you currently living together with your better half in a cohabitation relationship? Do you have a Cohabitation Agreement in place? If not, please take note of our article.
The Compensation Fund issued a Notice in the Government Gazette of 14 July 2022, informing employers of COIDA Compliance, and its intention to conduct employer COIDA Audits and employer site visits. The Unemployment Insurance Act, 2001 (the UI Act) also requires all employers who employ people for more than 24 hours per month to register with the UIF and contribute towards the fund.